Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Don't give up on me just yet!

Haven't been back here for suuuuuper long. Reason being - it's the School Holidays. No, not my school holiday, but my bro's. He's on the com for prolly hmm, let me see... 24 hours a day, 7 times a week? Irritating. I've to ask him to Lend me the lappie to watch my Gossip Girl for an hour. Sigh.

With that said, the house has been kinda full and lively lately. With my dad at most of the time as well (think due to his night shifts this week), we've been having like family day everyday! Had Manhattan for lunch ytd wheee! Like how everyday feels like a weekend, UNLESS I have school, bummer.

Ah wells. And I have been sucha glutton! AND sloth! :( Want to eat unhealthy food but don't wna run. Now suffering the wrath of it all, growing tummy and larrrrrrrge arm size, kill meeeee :( Ok ok ok, STRICT diet starts tmr! Buttttt I'm supposed to have dinner with the Og at a steamboat place, I'm assuming buffet zzzzXXXZzZzzXxXXX bahhhhhhhhh.

And my shopping urge is on an all time high now after curbing it in for sooooo looooonggggg cos I wna save it for Bangkok, but BKK has been postponed (good news! The flood is receding!!! ^^) I want soooo many things like Konad nail stamping kit, new heels, FRINGE BAG, a decent wallet, a camera!!!, and CLOTHESSSS, TONNES OF THEM. But nay, too fat to look good in any right now D: And I made beebs not buy his game to save up for our future house and kids HAHAHAHAHA so yeah, I can't spend too, meh.

Here's our second son he's super cute!!!

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